Have you ever had days where you couldn’t quite figure out what was ailing you; days where something felt off or missing? There’s a longing for something, but what? You might have even wondered if it was depression. It took a little time to figure it out, but I’ve come to realize that on days like that, in part, it was due to hearing so much bad news. From the moment we get up in the morning, until the time we go to bed at night, we are exposed to such an abundance of negative publicity. Lately, the amount of it has gotten quite bad.

So, what’s the antidote? There is something we can do that will help improve our mood, inspire and motivate us, and just help us to feel good about the world we live in. The answer is a daily hearty dose of good news. There’s nothing better than to hear about how someone showed an act of kindness and how someone’s life was changed because of the kindness of others. The benefit of taking in good news goes a long way. What’s more, the intake of it requires no doctor or drug prescription.
Good news is not hard to find. I’ve made it easy for you. Check out and follow my “News of Kindness” on both Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/accoladecelebrations) and Instagram ( ACCOLADE Celebrations (@accoladecelebrations) | Instagram ) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://buff.ly/3nQSooJ) for kindness-related insights. Also check out my website for the Acts of Kindness Awards (https://www.accoladecelebrations.com). For this event, we showcase people who are doing wonderful things in and around their communities to improve the lives of others. There is something we can do to help us feel better in an era where there is so much negative publicity. Fill-up on good news every day. #actsofkindnessawards #followus #stayuptodate #celebratingexcellence