It is so easy to fall into a rut; to do the same old things over and over again. According to definitions from Oxford Languages, a rut is a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. I often don’t even know that I’m in a rut until after I’ve been in one for a long period of time. Take food for example, there are certain foods I routinely eat without any thought or consideration. My “go to” foods are pastries, chips, pizza, and meals that don’t take long to make or much effort, yet they taste so good. It's all about convenience and taste.

Fortunately, as I’ve gotten older, I now realize I need to be more mindful about my health and what I put in my body. As a result, I’ve discovered new, healthier food choices and recipes. Some have worked well; some have not. Those that require that I sacrifice good taste typically don’t stay on my list of options. Why do the foods that taste the best tend to be the worst for you? I really love a sweet muffin with my morning cup of coffee, but my waistline has shown me that it does not.
I’m learning that life is about being more mindful about the decisions I make. I must do better at identifying the habits and eating patterns I have that are not good for my health. I have to break out of my rut and away from convenient choices towards doing things that will lead to better results, better health, and a better me.
Being intentional about my physical health and doing things differently has even had an impact on how I now view the world. As an example, I purposefully look for positive and uplifting news and stories. In an era where more attention is given to negative publicity and the ills of the world, I’ve come to really appreciate the importance of hearing about the good things people do. And that’s what my company, ACCOLADE Celebrations, is intended to do – to highlight and show appreciation of people and organizations whose interests are to improve the well-being of those in their community.
So, try something new. Make choices that will result in a better you. Check out how to make a difference in your community at, and help me bring more attention to the excellent things people do. #careforthehomeless #followus #stayuptodate #celebratingexcellence.