This is the time of year where things might feel a bit more difficult than any other time of the year. You are thinking about preparations for the holiday season. You're low on energy, time, and resources, and it's just more challenging all the way around. While looking at your long-term goals can be motivating, focusing on your short-term goals can also be incredibly helpful.
Make simple, very-short-term (if not downright immediate) goals that you can reach with just a little effort. What is the one big thing you'd like to get done by the end of the day today? By the end of the day tomorrow? By the end of the week? You don't have to list everything; just list one or two tangible things that you can aim for and reasonably expect to accomplish.
And don’t forget to celebrate your successes; the things you WERE able to accomplish.
Don’t Stop! Don’t Give Up! Keep Going!
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